One of the great things about Airsend is that you get to organize things the way that you want. There are so many different ways that you can arrange Channels, folders, files, notes, and actions. For example, some people organize Channels by project, others organize Channels by customer name, and yet others name Channels after internal teams such as Engineering, Marketing, and HR. This blog post is going to show you five different ways that you can organize your AirSend Channels.

Why It’s Important to Organize Your Channels Correctly

The vision that launched AirSend was that we wanted to create something to help you increase productivity by reducing context switching. Context switching is the act of juggling multiple tasks and apps at one time and can be a real productivity killer, not to mention expensive. By putting everything in one place, our goal is to save you time and money.

One of the ways you can increase your productivity is by organizing your AirSend Channels in the best possible way. What that will look like depends on what you are using Airsend for. An accountant’s Channel organization will be different from a writer’s Channel organization, which will in turn be different from a student’s Channel organization.

Five Ways You Can Organize Your Channels

Now we’re going to go over the five most common ways that you can organize your AirSend Channels so that you can get some ideas and choose or design the best Channel organization method for you.

Organize Your Channels by Project

Organizing your channels by project may be the way to go if you are a freelancer, small agency, creative, or any other profession that works on a project to project basis.

For example, if you owned a freelance writing business, you could name Channels like this: “Web Copy for KB,” “Blog Posts for Accounting Website,” and “SM Posts for Coaches.”

Doing so would make it much easier to stay focused while working. Instead of having to check your emails and waste time searching for notes and drafts when starting work on a certain project, all you would have to do is click into the AirSend Channel where all of your messages, notes, and files for that project would be in one place.

Organize Your Channels by Customer

Another common way to organize Channels is by customer. Let’s say that instead of a lot of one-off projects, your work is more customer-based. This can be the case for accountants, lawyers, and asset managers. You consistently complete work for a certain set of clients.

If this is you, a good way to arrange your Channels could be by customer name. You would name Channels like this: “John Smith,” “Jane Doe,” and “Big Ben.”

That way, everything you have for each customer is in one place. If a customer needs a certain file, you can easily find it in the files section of that customer’s Channel. If you’re in a meeting with her and you need to take notes, you can open up the wiki section and get right to it without the extra steps of making sure you label and store the notes somewhere where you’ll remember later.

Organize Your Channels by Team

If you are part of a larger organization and are using Airsend mostly for internal collaboration, then organizing Channels by team could be the way to go.

Your Channels would be named like this: “AirSend Engineering Team”, “FileCloud Marketing,” and “Human Resources.”

At Codelathe, creator of AirSend and FileCloud, our entire remote-working company of 60+ employees runs on AirSend. We use a hybrid Channel organization method that combines three out of these five methods: Teams, Project, and Subject. But team Channels are our core workspaces where we share ideas, have meetings, and store files and notes. It’s a great way to keep everyone in a team on the same page and stay connected, especially in a remote work setting.

Organize Your Channels by Access

Although there is overlap between this method and some of the others we’ve discussed, arranging Channels by access is more flexible. What it means is that you are creating and labeling Channels based on who you want to have access to certain information and files.

You could have Channels named “Myself,” “Smith Family,” and “Romantic Corner (Hubby and Me),” alongside Channels like “Dissertation Readers” and “Work Friends.”

Organize Your Channels by Subject

Finally, if you are using AirSend for school, research, or as a place to store personal files like vacation photos, you may want to organize your Channels by subject.

If you’re a high school student, you could have a Channel for each subject and add classmates that take those classes with you. Your Channel names might look something like this: “Algebra,” “AP Biology,” and “History.”

Can I Change My Channel Organization After the Fact?

Now you may be thinking, I like some of these ideas, but I already have my AirSend Channels a certain way. How can I change them? Thankfully, it’s very easy to make these changes.

The easiest way to adjust your Channel organization is to change the Channel names and remove or add access to Channels based on your wants and needs. Changing a Channel name can be done in 3 simple steps.

  1. Click into the Channel.
  2. Click the three cogs icon at the top of the Channel.
  3. Type in your new Channel name and click save.

What Now?

Now that you’ve seen five different ways you can organize your AirSend Channels, you should have a clearer idea of how to arrange your Channels to best suit your needs. You may even choose to use a hybrid of several different methods to achieve optimal productivity.

Happy Working!

The AirSend Team