We have recently launched an update that enables clients who do/do not have an AirSend account to email file attachments, images, and videos directly to their AirSend channel! We’ll give you a moment to digest this. We know, it is amazing too.

NO ACCOUNT NEEDED!!! How to Send a File from an Email to AirSend

What is Email to Channel Feature?

This new feature allows you and your clients to send a message via email directly to your channel. The beauty of it all is that it requires little-to-no effort to do. Say, for example, you are a real estate agent and you need a buyer representation agreement from your client. How do you let your client know you need the documents?

Well, now you have three options:

  • One, you can message your client directly from your AirSend channel.
  • Two, you can reply from your email using your unique channel email address.
  • Three, you can respond via email to an AirSend channel notification (see pictures below).

If your client does not have an AirSend account, no problem!

Here is what they do:

  • Hit reply from their AirSend channel notification
  • Attach the required documents needed
  • Hit send.

The documents will magically appear in the designated channel. Having this feature allows for easier organization of files. Did you also know that sending messages to your channel through email can act as a reminder for yourself?

AirSend email channel notification
Capture of AirSend Channel Notification
Image of AirSend channel settings
Image of Channel Email Address found in settings.

Sharing Files Efficiently

Let’s give another example. Let’s say there is a channel designated for hiring. This channel has five members. Rather than having one email listed on your hiring page, you can now put your unique channel email address. By doing so, applicants’ resumes will be sent directly to the human resource channel, where everyone can view the resumes. This feature minimizes the time it takes for five separate members to view a resume in five separate emails. Additionally, this feature opens up many use cases, such as a shared inbox (i.e. channel) for hiring managers, or as an endpoint for a website contact form.

With AirSend, the possibilities are endless. For a continuous update on our non-stop productivity train, click here

Remote working tips from a remote team that will help you and your organization continue to be productive while working from home.
Remote working tips from a remote team that will help you and your organization continue to be productive while working from home.

2020 has been a year defined by the Coronavirus outbreak.  With hundreds of thousands of cases worldwide, and over 3000 reported deaths, nothing has shaped the way we are living more than this epidemic. 

Much like the flu, COVID-19 is spread through human-to-human contact through respiratory droplets, most commonly transmitted through coughing.  Prevention methods such as using hand sanitizer and frequent hand washing help limit you and your team’s chances of getting the Coronavirus, but many businesses are also implementing remote working strategies to protect their employees in the midst of uncertainty about the disease.

You may be asked to work from home rather than spend time in an office where the Coronavirus is potentially spreading since an increasing numbers of countries are implementing quarantines and other lockdown measures. But how do you do so comfortably and productively?

A remote-first company, the AirSend team has members on every continent in addition to its Austin headquarters. In fact, AirSend itself was created by condensing our hands-on remote work experience into an all-in-one remote work tool. Here are some remote working tips from a remote team that will help you and your organization continue to be productive while working from home.

Tip #1: Have Core Working Hours

Source: unDraw

One of the benefits of remote working is that it allows you and your team to set your own hours. Everyone is different. Some are most productive in the morning while others do their best work in the evening – and that’s great. But balance must be achieved in order to keep things moving.

Establishing a window in which employees are required to be at their screens and ready to communicate, either by phone, screen-sharing, or video conferencing, will help promote teamwork and workplace structure. Core working hours cut down on time spent waiting for email replies or for someone to get back to a computer to verify something while maintaining some of the flexibility that would be less available in an in-office environment.

Tip #2: Promote Discipline

Source: unDraw

While the office is a space designed for working, you and your team’s homes may be somewhat less so. Leaving an office environment to work at home can invite all sorts of distractions if you and your team aren’t accustomed to it. Here’s a short checklist to implement to promote discipline while working remotely:

  • Set reasonable wake up hours and regiment your day
  • Have an appropriate workstation where you can work without sinking into the couch
  • Schedule your breaks so that you don’t end up taking too many breaks or breaks that are too long

In addition to encouraging your team to follow the tips above, you should also provide them with the equipment they need to set up a comfortable home office. This includes items like desks, chairs, computers, headphones, cameras, and helpful software such as a digital workspace.

Tip #3: Encourage Team Spirit

Source: unDraw

Employee morale is important, especially when a team is working remotely. By having team members regularly socialize like they would in an office environment, people working remotely will have a more positive outlook on their work and will be more productive. 

Organize weekly or bi-weekly functions through video conferencing where team members can let off some steam and talk casually with each other, and validate hard work though awards and incentives.  Acknowledging effort can be difficult if you aren’t face-to-face with someone, so find time to show recognition through video conferencing events.

Tip #4: Track Team Progress With Clearly Communicated Goals

Source: unDraw

As mentioned before, when team members are left to their own devices, work can stagnate as a result of distraction and lack of structure.  Having consistent contact with your team through weekly briefings where goals and duties are assigned and deadlines are set can help.

You can also use team management apps with progress tracking, such as AirSend. AirSend lets you assign work to different members of a team with deadlines and reminders. This keeps everyone on track even without in-person meetings.

As a remote-first team, we use AirSend and OKRs to keep everyone moving in the right direction. OKR stands for “Objectives and Key Results,” and setting and communicating OKRs can help your team stay motivated and on track.

Tip #5: Hire the Right People

Source: unDraw

At the end of the day, the strength of your team boils down to the ability of each individual team member to work remotely with minimal supervision. This is why it is doubly important to hire motivated self-starters when facing a remote working situation.

Some people are naturally good at this or have prior experience, while others need to be trained. Since a newly implemented, experimental working environment is not the easiest place to train employees, be sure to hire people with past experience and success with remote working if you need to hire now.

Staying Safe During the Coronavirus Outbreak

In the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak, remote working may be the best option to minimize transmission. However, when we allow ourselves and our employees to work at home, some level of structure and office culture must be sustained to keep everyone at the top of their game. Using these tips, you should be better prepared to organize your workforce accordingly and help minimize the spread of COVID-19.

Kristin gives us an insider’s view of a day in the life of a solo entrepreneur and interior designer.
Kristin gives us an insider’s view of a day in the life of a solo entrepreneur and interior designer.

We recently had the opportunity to talk to Kristin, owner of Kosy Kasa, one of Austin’s trendiest new interior design services. During the interview, Kristin gave us an insider’s view of a day in the life of a solo entrepreneur and interior designer.

Here’s a transcript of our conversation (edited for clarity):

ME: Can you tell me a little about what you do?

KRISTIN: I’m a solo designer. I run my own firm, which I’ve been doing for a couple of years on and off. But before I was always working for other design firms and did freelance projects on the side. Just this past couple months is when I’ve really gone full time, so I’m just getting started and diving into the Austin market.

ME: What would you say are some challenges with running your own business?

KRISTIN: It’s a lot of work. I have to do everything by myself, which I know how to do because I’ve been designing for so long. But it’s a lot of managing time and different clients all at once. Another challenge is figuring out more of the business end of things, whereas before I would only touch on it and the owner of the company or lead designer would handle that. So figuring out the best way to invoice, best forms of payment, what to charge, etc.

ME: Can you describe a typical work day for you?

KRISTIN: If I don’t have any meetings with clients, I like to block out a certain amount of hours per job per day. So this morning before our call, I was working on one of my clients. Super cool. She’s about my age, just a little bit younger. It’s her first house, and I’m calling it like her bachelorette pad. Right now, we’re putting together the living room. So I was pulling a couple items, like coffee tables and such, and putting them into a presentation for her to see how they all go together.

And then if I have design meetings, I’ll block out that time. And getting fabric samples or material samples as well before each meeting. It’s different every single day, honestly.

ME: How do you stay organized?

I organize in a way that works for me. If I had someone else working with me, though, it would be really confusing for them. One boss told me back in the day, “You need to make sure everything is organized in a way so that if you quit one day, the new person would be able to pick up right where you left off.” So I guess I should take that advice… But my current method works for my mind and my mind only.

ME: Where do you go to keep up with design trends?

KRISTIN: Instagram is probably the number one place. Designers are posting everything they’re doing there and tagging their sources, so I found a lot of cool furniture stores that way through Instagram. Number two would be design blogs. That used to be number one, but now with how big Instagram is – that’s just what people do.

To learn more about Kosy Kasa and Kristin, you can visit her website here: https://www.kozykasa.us/

AirSend is a versatile digital workspace for professionals to share files, send messages, and complete tasks. See how AirSend can help you as your business grows here.

In the last decade, team chats have become more popular in the workplace. Employees working remotely and teleworking are influencing this change. As this form of communication becomes more common in the workplace, emphasis on chat etiquette is needed.

Chat etiquettes are important for maintaining professionalism while using this technology.

We asked our employees what their top 10 chat etiquettes are.

Use Appropriate Emojis

Image of laptop and various lattes with emoji faces on them. Lattes with emoji faces in a yellow background.

Emojis have been the on-going trend for efficient messaging. However, due to the efficiency of emojis, we often tend to overuse them. For instance, sending five smiley faces with two thumbs up is not needed.

Further, be conscious of the emojis you send. Often times, people don’t quite understand the meaning you are trying to say with an emoji, so keeping it simple will ease the confusion.

Chat Etiquette #1:Don’t overuse and be conscious. 

Be Polite

Highlighted word in pink Kindness

With companies that are continuously growing, it is always good to be aware of diversity. If you have to ask yourself whether sending a text/image is appropriate, it most likely isn’t.

Chat Etiquette #2:Be aware of diversity.

Tag Specific People

Much like other platforms, such as Slack, Facebook Groups, or Discord, the noise to signal is extremely high. To eliminate this issue, tag only the people necessary. Doing so will eliminate the hundreds of sitting notifications.

AirSend conversation

Further, use the tagging option judiciously and sparingly. The purpose of tagging someone is to not only decrease the noise-to-signal but to also symbolize notified importance.

Having a tagged one-on-one conversation in a channel with a multitude of people is not a notified importance. Rather, this just increases the noise-to-signal. To have deeper conversations, create a separate private channel, where you discuss freely.

Chat Etiquette #3:Use tags for notified importance and use them judiciously.

Quote Messages

AirSend conversation with emoji

Maintaining the context of a conversation is easier with quotes. Though tagging is efficient, tagging doesn’t give the context of a message, often making it confusing as to what context is for who. 

Chat Etiquette #4:Maintain context with quotes.

Use Appropriate Names

AirSend conversation

Use appropriate names when making a channel. Having a channel named #Sqaud would not be professional. As much as we love to customize our channels, remember that professionalism is key to being in a business/job setting. 

Chat Etiquette #5:Appropiate names.

Avoid Politics and Religion

Angry couple sitting on a couch

Avoid controversial topics. Avoiding offensive topics shows mindfulness, respect, and cooperation. Working together is a high priority. Carrying offensive conversations disrupt workflow, relationships, and professionalism.

Chat Etiquette #6:Avoid controversial topics.

Post in Relevant Channels

Posting in relevant channels maintains communication traffic. Posting in relevant channels also maintains a consistent workflow.

Creating private channels to have deep and meaningful conversations. Posting in relevant channels decreases the noise-to-signal ratio.

Chat Etiquette #7:Post in relevant channels to maintain communication traffic.

Consider Using Video or Audio Calls for Deeper Discussion

Business man wearing earbuds and face timing family member

Minimize extensive conversations with voice or video calls.

Having video or audio calls will increase ideas, innovation, and in the long run, productivity. With productivity comes efficiency. Consolidating messages = efficiency.

Chat Etiquette #8:Minimize extensive conversations with voice or video calls.  

Consolidate Messages

Short and straight-to-the-point messages are key to minimizing communication traffic. Sending paragraphs of messages takes time away from tasks that require greater priority.

Increase efficiency by getting the point across in as few words as possible. There is no need to send an odyssey of a message. 

Chat Etiquette #9:Consolidate messages leads to efficient communication.

Use Well-Known Acronyms 

According to research, sending acronyms is the number one way to efficient messaging. For example, using acronyms, such as “ttyl,” or “brb,” are acceptable.

If someone has to search the acronym it doesn’t work. Use acronyms that are well-known. Lastly, remember to be appropriate. For example, saying “lmao” most likely wouldn’t be wise. 

Chat Etiquette #10:Acronyms = efficiency.


In summation, team chats are slowly becoming the preferred mode of communication. With team chats, emphasis on chat etiquette is needed.

Chat etiquettes are a crucial element in maintaining professionalism, efficiency, and workflow productivity.

AirSend helps businesses and professionals create a versatile digital workspace to share files, send messages, and complete tasks. See how AirSend can help you.

Image of a table with a plant and portraits on a wall

We recently had the opportunity to talk to Nacho Molero, freelance and soon to have a masters in Interior Design, and aspiring photographer. During the interview, Molero gave us an insider’s view of what it’s like to be an interior designer and photography. He also shed some light on the magic of it all.

Here’s a transcript of our conversation (edited for clarity):

Me: So why don’t you go ahead and tell me what about interior design and photography appeal to you?

Molero: So, I recently moved to Barcelona because I am doing a master’s program to specialize in interior design. I’ve always been extremely interested in interior design, and I like to think my interests started with architecture.

Most of my Instagram really is architecture. I find that when I walk around the cities I am not able to avoid taking photos after photos of just facade and coldness and beautiful places. 

Interior design has always been sort of on the sidelines and as the years went by, I sort of realized that this is absurd. I mean, clearly I really, really love doing this and everything related to this. Everything.

Especially regarding interior design, I mean it is literally where you live and everything that you feel when you are home. And I’m feeling truly calm and at peace and I’m surrounded by things that you really love. I’m not confused, you know.

I remember, when I lived by myself in Madrid, I had a chance to put my place up really nicely. I remembered that once I finished, I experienced peace, tranquility, and the general positive vibes. Interior design has really been this sort of obsession with the things that I’ve always really loved.

Me: Wonderful. What are some tools and applications you use to get by with your creative works?

Molero: I would say two things are very, very useful. One thing is to find and download a 3D design program. They have become very unique and being able to create the space and see it in 3D before you buy anything really helps so much because you may have an idea.

One thing that I myself have to come to terms with is that I may be good at some things regarding design, but I’m quite terrible at others, such as color matching. So, when it comes to color matching the tools I rely on are libraries, color systems, and things that I can find a line that I know for a fact work.

Design is not just creating from scratch. It’s also sufficiently having an educated eye to identify works and replications. 

Me: How neat. My last question for you is what would you recommend to someone starting out in your profession?

Molero: the first thing you should say to anyone that wants to pursue a creative career, is to consume as much of it as you can.

If you want to become a writer, go read; wish to become a photographer, watch movies and all the exhibitions. If you aspire to become a painter, go to a museum and educate your eyes. Most importantly have a passion for it. More than anything.

That’s the sort of thing you first have to taste to truly be sure that either you love it [design,] or just love to look at beautiful pictures. Which are two different things.

To see Mr. Molero’s portfolio, check out his twitter and Instagram

AirSend helps designers and creatives create a versatile digital workspace to share files, send messages, and complete tasks. To see our latest interview, click here.

Image of AirSend channel with stacked books as a background

We all know that when it comes to building an AirSend community, what is most vital is having a welcoming atmosphere. Most online communities have welcoming atmospheres through customized visually appealing backgrounds.

With AirSend, users can enjoy the comforts of customizing their background and logo. In the video below, we give a tutorial on how to customize your AirSend community. 

Further, Airsend is perfect for building close-knit communities. In the video above, we show a community that loves books. With a nice and seemingly aesthetic background, one can feel inspired by taking a screenshot of their community to persuade their fellow members to join. 

Additionally, AirSend is a great platform to build fan clubs, sharings book transcripts, memos, contracts, and more. With a nice background and logo implemented, building/creating a brand has become a 1000% doable. 

AirSend helps creatives and professionals create a versatile digital workspace to share files, send messages, and complete tasks. See how AirSend can help you.

Welcome back to another one of our “how-to” guides. This week we are going to show you how to format a message nicely using markdown language. Have fun making neat, organized, and aesthetic messages.

As indicated by our handy-dandy video, markdown language, though seems intimidating at first, is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

Markdown Cheat Sheet

To recap from the video we are going to provide a short cheat sheet for you.


  • # Heading one
  • ## Heading two
  • ### Heading three
  • #### Heading four
  • ##### Heading five
  • ###### Heading six


  • *italics*
  • _italics_


  • **Bold**
  • __Bold__

Bold Italics

**_ Bold Italics_**


  1. Enter 1. shift-enter to create a new line
  2. Enter 2. etc.

Unordered Sublist

  1. Enter item Shift-Enter (new line) and x2 space
  2. Enter item and repeat #1

Ordered Sublist

  1. Enter item Shift-Enter (new line) and x2 space
    1. List as A, B, C
    2. Remember to Shift-Enter when making a new line

Bullet Points

  • *[space] text
  • +[space] text
  • -[space] text

Block Quotes

> [space] text

AirSend is a versatile digital workspace to share files, send messages, and complete tasks. See how AirSend can help you.

We recently had the opportunity to talk to Mark Schultz, CEO and Founder of Word Refiner. Mark started proofreading in 1974. After retiring from a career in construction he went full time with Word Refiner. During the interview, Schultz gave us an insider’s view of what it is like to be a successful proofreader. He also shared some of his words of wisdom on the beauty of proofreading and book promotion.

Here’s a transcript of our conversation (edited for clarity):

Me: So, why don’t we start off by you telling me about your job function and your creative process?

Schultz: I do proofreading and book promoting. Those are my two main functions. It turns out I have a pretty unique talent. I find the invisible spelling errors that computer spellcheckers, editors, and other proofreaders miss.

I have classified four categories of spelling errors: misspelled words, misplaced words, multiple words, and missing words. The latter is the hardest because the words on the page are not there when they should be.

Sometimes people ask me about misplaced words. I explained that they are correctly spelled words, but in the wrong context, the exact thing that a spell checker can miss and that can happen by homophone error and typographical mistakes. Think about those homophones that we know so well, to, too, and two and they’re, their, and there. Those are only two examples out of thousands that are there to trip up our writing.

I have blogged quite a bit about these sources of errors. As part of my book promoting, I put up a new book review every week.

Me: I think it’s awesome that we still have proofreaders in the book industry and that we’re not entirely relying on the technological industry of trying to completely edit a book.

Schultz: Yes, I am too. When computers first came out I thought maybe I was going to be out of a job. It didn’t take long for me to realize I had nothing to worry about.

Me: *chuckles Indeed. So from your perspective, what is the beauty of proofreading?

Schultz: That’s a great question, Mela. I love it. I also love taking a well-written book and giving it a final polish, removing the smallest flaws, so the prose shines in the reader’s mind without encountering a spelling error that can ruin the smooth flow of their reading pleasure.

Me: That’s beautiful. Like I said before, I’m glad there are proofreaders who make reading enjoyable. What are some news outlets or resources do you trust that pertain to your field?

Schultz: Well, I subscribe to a number of bloggers and the list is too long to use here. But my top two favorite bloggers are Joanna Penn and Ann R. Allen. They consistently bring information-packed topics to light that are very applicable to authors of all kinds.

Me: Wonderful. My last question for you is what would you tell people to look for when choosing a proofreader?

Schultz: I would say look for someone with a broad range of experience. I believe it is just as important for a proofreader to read as well as an author; recommendations and testimonials, which are also worth quite a bit, especially if the person giving that recommendation can be contacted for verification.

To visit Mark Schultz’s work, visit him at Wordrefiner.com.

AirSend helps book promoters and proofreaders create a versatile digital workspace to share files, send messages, and complete tasks. See how AirSend can help you.

We recently had the opportunity to talk to Rajiv Fernandez, owner of Lil’ Icon and Freelance Architect. During the interview, Fernandez gave us an insider’s view of what it’s like to be a successful image designer and architect. He also shed some light on what the design industry is all about.

Here’s a transcript of our conversation (edited for clarity):

Me: So why don’t you tell me about your job function or like what you do with your creative side, with your imagery and how you create the images?

Fernandez: So Lil’Icom kind of started out as a passion project. Basically it started out as a children’s company cause I came out with a few children’s books. And then, you know, probably a year into it I realized that I don’t really know anything about children.

I did enjoy what I was doing you know, drawing these images that could be perceived from different perspectives. So basically it was a conversation. I want my images to be conversation starters.

Whether it was between like a millennial and a newborn baby I started getting more involved with political discourse. So I wanted to create images where it would spread positive messaging.

It really started off with an image of the Statue of Liberty and dressing her up with different characteristics to speak to different policy issues and everything. But trying to keep the messaging positive out there, you know, and there’s enough negative artwork out there. 

Me: Definitely. So, how do you determine how to perceive your drawings through different perspectives? Are you making images for millennials and also for like newborn babies? How do you decide or make an image based on that perspective?

Fernandez: A lot of it usually starts with a pun. I like to throw in jokes somehow. And if there’s like some big thing happening, in the world where, you know, I can make a pun out of it. Like I’m really like a dad at heart and drawing is my medium.

So, basically I’m creating art from millennials by millennials, so using the millennial lexicon so that I would understand or stuff that I would, you know, want to read.

Basically. It’s like if everyone’s going to have an opinion on some sort of issue in an article and you know, we can spend that time reading a long article but not really remember everything that’s [inaudible] or, and then create a dialogue with someone saying like, “Oh, what was your opinion? Like I saw this Statue of Liberty with the Hijab. Like what do you think about, you know, immigration rights?”

So it’s supposed to be kind of like a gateway to a larger, deeper discussion. That’s my intention. I’ve been lucky to have those conversations start many times.

Me:  Where and what kind of news do you use to catch up with your industries? Like design and architecture?

Fernandez: Yeah. So yeah, with the design world, you know, I, I really like this blog called Dezeen architecture side. And then, you know, I, I read a lot of the probably the more liberal news sources like Washington Post, New York Times and since I’m a millennial, Buzzfeed.

Me: [Vivacious Laughter] Oof, that kills me as an English major. 

Fernandez: I know, I know. I really, I really enjoy reading like a good, like an in-depth article, and then see like 27 pictures of dogs.

Me: Yeah. I got to say, well Rajid you’re very hip. So how hard is it managing your client files and communications today? Like with all the resources?

Fernandez: I like to keep my business organized. Whenever I get a new client, I like to create shared folders, that way the client and I are in the same loop.

I also like to have an agenda and meeting minutes. My clients are always impressed by that and I have something that can put my methods in a former office of mine. And that actually just really helps me stay on track.

And I have like a big whiteboard in my office where I write down like my daily tasks, like, you know, physically.

Me: Yeah. Kind of like a Scrum Board or Kanban.

Fernandez: Yeah, basically. If I didn’t have that, it’d be a difficult thing. So like to be honest, I use a Google calendar to schedule all my meetings and you know, it’s good, it’s convenient, but it’s still for me, lacking.

I’m a very visual person, so having something set up in front of me, helps. Physically, tactile things and all that, that really helps. I’m kind of also aware that maybe I’m a boomer. I need to see everything.

To visit Rajiv Fernandez’s work, visit him at Lil’ Icon.

AirSend helps architects and image designers create a versatile digital workspace to share files, send messages, and complete tasks. See how AirSend can help you.

Do you ever wish to communicate with like-minded people who have synonymous interests, hobbies, theories, or ideas?? Do you also wish to have conversations in which you can opt-in a private only intimate setting? We have your solution. AirSend. In today’s blog post, we will give you the step-by-step process of how to create a secure channel to have the best conversations of your life.

How to Create a Community

We believe communication should be the focal point between every relationship built. To do so we needed to create a platform that allows for an intimate setting. One, where unlike others, you can solely chat with others on the specified interest. In the video below we present a how-to scenario on how to create a Community.

With so many people in a group, the noise-to-signal ratio is high. Put another way, the hundreds of notifications (noise) you receive from Facebook Groups are usually irrelevant messages that do not pertain to you.

With AirSend it is the opposite. Anything you send in the channel is relevant to what you want it to be. AirSend is perfect for creating deep and meaningful conversations in a close-knit community. A community that is involved in their interest/hobbies, and who wish to spread their passion to other like-minded individuals.

Through tight security measures, you have the pleasure of sending invites to those you want in your community. Additionally, you can customize your built-in wiki, assign actions, and assign files. In other words, AirSend is a platform that builds communities through invite-only. Whereas with Facebook Groups or Discord, for example, there are thousands of people who join groups.

Image of AirSend Channel

Our Purpose

We want our communities to feel inspired when they use AirSend. Compared to Discord and Facebook Groups, where they too have invite-only, they also have hundreds of members in their specified community. How is one supposed to feel a part of their community when there are endless threads of conversations happening, and you aren’t sure where to jump in??

AirSend relieves this pressure, by allowing you to control the channel the way you want to, and to have the perfect conversation with a few other people. We want you to have innovation. We wish for you to feel the excitement of having an amazing conversation through a technological medium.

Much like Discord and Facebook Groups, AirSend strives to build communities. BUT the difference that sets us apart is innovation. AirSend strives to create close-knit communities. This allows for ease of communication and 24-hour exchanges of ideas, theories, comments, interests, likes and dislikes, everything.

Image of AirSend channel

The Essence of AirSend

We believe that having a great conversation should include efficient and, if possible, limited context switching. In other words, creating a micro-networking environment.

What is micro-networking you might ask? Well, as the name implies, micro-networking involves networking in a small secure environment through one platform. I.e. Micro. We are the first-ever platform to deliver innovation through micro-networking.

With a clean UI design, micro-networking has never been clearer. Unlike Discord where the visuality is overwhelming, AirSend has a clear cut design, made for accessible and visually appealing clicking. With AirSend you can feel comfortable having the conversations you love.

AirSend allows you to customize your built-in community using our wiki. Further, we give you the efficiency of context switching and uploading and sharing files. Best of all there are several designated locations to see your files uploaded. In your specified channel, and in your profile center where you can see ALL the files from your various communities.

We strive for our clients to feel inspired to innovate when they converse with their community. Building your own micro-network is the new medium to innovate. AirSend is the new medium.

AirSend helps with community building by creating a versatile digital workspace to share files, send messages, and complete tasks. See how AirSend can help you.